Q. Where can I purchase a plat book?
The SWCD is currently selling plat books for $25 each, we also offer them on our web storefront with an extra cost to cover shipping charges.  We are working on a new edition, which should be released this fall.

Q. How do I know if I have a wetland on my property?
A. You will need to have a determination or delineation. Please contact one of the following agencies:

In Northern Indiana:
US Army Corps of Engineers
Detroit District Office
Regulatory Program
P.O. Box 1027
Detroit, MI 48231
(313) 226-2218

In Central or Southern Indiana:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Louisville District Office
Regulatory Program
P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201
(502) 315-6733

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Section 401 WQC/Isolated Wetlands Program
100 North Senate Avenue
MC 65-42 WQS IGCN NO45
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(800) 451-6027 or (317) 233-8488

Q. Where can I get a soil test for my garden?
You can purchase soil tests at many garden stores or have it performed at the LaPorte County Purdue Extension or Co-Alliance.

Here are the numbers:
LaPorte County Purdue Extension: 219-324-9407
Co-Alliance: 219-778-2015

Q. Where can I get my water tested?
You will need to visit or call the LaPorte County Health Department. Water kits can be picked up Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Call the LaPorte County Health Department at 219-326-6808 x2200

Q. What type of assistance can I get through the LaPorte County SWCD?
The LaPorte County SWCD can provide you with various publications, some technical assistance, and contact information for various governmental agencies, non-profits, etc. Our purpose is to provide information about soil, water and related natural resource conservation; identify and prioritize local soil and water resource concerns; and connect land users to sources of educational, technical and financial assistance to implement conservation practices and technologies. We occasionally have cost-share funds available for land owners. Please contact our office with interest.

Q. Where can I get a copy of the LaPorte County Soil Survey?
You can find LaPorte County soil information on the web soil survey at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm. If you need assistance with this site, please contact our office. We can help guide you through it. There may also be copies available in the reference section of the county libraries.

Q. Can your agency force my neighbor to correct an erosion problem on his land?
No. We are not a regulatory agency. If the landowner requests our assistance, we can provide technical assistance in correcting an erosion problem. If the landowner does not want to correct the problem, you may call the regulatory agency in Indianapolis at (317) 232-8603. You can also contact Paul Vicari, MS4 Coordinator, at 219-832-4430 or via email at pvicari@laporteco.in.us.

Q. Do you have maps available that I can look at?
There are various aerial photographs, topographic maps, wetlands maps and more available at the NRCS Office. Please contact us with a specific request.

Q. What types of classroom programs are available? Who may utilize them?
We have many classroom programs available. They are listed on our Education page. They are available to school groups, scout groups, 4-H groups, church groups, home school groups and many other types of groups! Just give us a call at 219-326-6808, ext. 2112 or e-mail Linda Schwab at lschwab@laporteco.in.gov.

Q. What types of cost-share programs are available for farmers?
 The LaPorte County SWCD occasionally has cost-share funds available for famers. Please contact us with a specific request. The Natural Resources Conservation Service District Conservationist would also love to tell you about the various types of conservation programs available to you. You may also find more information at https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/.

Please contact the USDA Service Center, LaPorte Field Office to set up an appointment.

Phone: 219/362-2820 x3

Camila Elias-Arroyo at camila.elias-arroyo@usda.gov

Kevin Shide at kevin.shide@usda.gov